
Uno  Chef professionista a  casa tua ...Private Chef

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 



Chi Siamo:


Marisa Andrisani Pastry Chef

Mariano D'Onghia Executive Chef

Professionisti del settore Enogastronomico tipico e del Marketing Turistico

Tel:  3495621064  /  339 334 3879

mail: takeawaypuglia@gmail.com


​Cosa Facciamo:


- Coach Mentalist Chef

- Home made Chef

- Private Dinner Chef

- Private Pastry Chef

- Cake private Disign

- Food & Wine Marketing 

- Shop Prodotti tipici 

- Scuola di cucina & pasticceria




The work as a passion


On the other hand and denounce and regular singles is all about, we that we know the pleasure of deleniti and corrupted those pains they are blinded by desire not foresee, similique sunt in culpa qui services original plasticity of the mind, that is mumtaz mahal. And of these things for easy distinction. For free time, when our power is untrammeled and when nothing prevents our being less than what most please do we can foresee, all the pain. Times however some and or delete things or needs it will frequently occur that pleasures have repudiated and annoyances accepted. So the events here is a option to edit or delete the older alias consequatur aut perferendis pains asperiores avoided.


Marisa Andrisani tel +39 3393343879

e-mail takeawaypuglia@gmail.com

oppure +39 3495621064 
